
Showing posts from February, 2023

Kogi West Stakeholders Hail INEC For Conducting Credible Polls

Says the BVAS Machine is a Saving Grace....  Stakeholders across various political parties have hailed the Nigerian Electoral Umpire, INEC for conducting an election that they can satisfactorily adjudge to be free, fair and credible.  The APC Senatorial Candidate for Kogi West, Hon. Sunday Karimi, has commended INEC for conducting free, fair and credible Presidential and National Assembly elections. Karimi gave the commendation while speaking to Journalists after casting his vote at his polling unit in Odo Egbe, Yagba West Local Government Area, on Saturday. ''The fact that INEC came out early is something that is welcoming and kudos to them. ''I hope the situation will be like this all over the places. The turnout is impressive thus far, and we are okay with it,'' Karimi said. He noted that although there were few cases of BVAS not functioning well in few polling units, but was later resolved. The APC senatorial candidate urged his supporters to be calmed, cast

Senatorial Candidate Loses Polling unit in Kogi

   The Kogi West Senatorial Candidate of the Accord Party, Hon. MD Eseyin has been said to have lost his polling Unit and ward to the ruling All Progressives Congress APC.  The Former Special Adviser to Gov. Bello on Youths and students affairs hails from Orokere Amuro where it has been presumed to be his support base became a sudden nightmare because he lost gallantly to the APC under the leadership of an APC stalwart, Hon. Komolafe Dennis (Kay Kay) who delivered the unit to APC, leaving the Accord Party Senatorial candidate helpless in his Own unit. The polling result shows that the Accord Party scored 34 votes while APC scored 63 votes and ADC 41. While reacting to the victory, Hon. Kay Kay Dennis maintained that the victory wouldn't have been that easy without the support of his teeming supporters who came out massively to vote and secure their votes.  The Former secretary to Mopamuro LGA assures that the coming State Assembly election will record more wins as strategies are


The Yagba Federal Constituency APC Campaign Council have berated the outgoing house of representatives member in Yagba Federal Constituency, Hon Elder Leke Abejide for what they termed as "Gross lack of accountability" in his era as the representative of the people of Yagba land.  The campaign council described as worrisome as a situation whereby the house of representatives member have continually paraded democratic dividends of the APC led administration in the country as "personal gifts" to people.  Amongst list of Federal initiatives to the people are items from the national productivity centre and the ongoing patching  of portholes on some sections of the Oke-Oyi road.  Information at the disposal of the council suggests that the Ijowa-ejuku- ife Olukotun - Igbagun road in Yagba East LGA have been transfered to the federal government via a particular executive request by the Federal Ministry of Budget. The mentioned road was subsequently budgeted for and funds