I want to seize this opportunity on behalf members of the Campaign Committee to express our profound appreciation to all those who stood and still standing by us for the Teamwork and Collaborative efforts that saw us all through the Campaigns journeys up to the polls. The journey was both tortuous and challenging but above all everyone took them in strides and joyfully because we were all committed to the course. The outcomes of each of the campaign outings were a mixed bag but overall each came with lessons which I know we all took to heart. The enthusiasm and collaboration from each member of our contingent were tremendous and I must commend everyone. The situation we find ourselves in Kogi State made the 2023 electioneering process more challenging. Over the years, our people became impoverished and polarized along ethnic lines and these magnified as the campaigns progressed. This has never happened in the history of Kogi State. The outcome of the election clearly ...